The listeners are getting it! This book is packed with layers of angelic frequency and subliminal healing. Let it lead you through your own healing journey! This is what one listener shared...

"I’m so glad I found this book! It’s the story of the Core Four, a team of canine guides who came forward to the author, sharing their will to heal her & the world. Strom is a wonderful storyteller, weaving her incredible life story with the healing and lessons from the guides. Her journey to spiritual sovereignty is laid out; she explains how she integrated the lessons of the Core Four and other guides & mentors who assisted.
The story is at times heartbreaking. It was relatable to me in many ways, making the concept of awakening to my purpose a real possibility. Her passion for speaking her truth is contagious, shining through in her voice as she shares her message in the audiobook. I was left with lingering thoughts about how my life experiences are not coincidental and that there may be some messages right in front of me, if I’m open to receiving them. My very own dog and the others who’ve graced my life also may have been playing more of a role in my life than I’d previously thought! I highly recommend this book, especially if you’re seeking answers on a spiritual path, and it’s a huge bonus if you’re a dog-lover."
This was a 5 star review from Audible
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